Ukrainian Federation of Yoga
The all-Ukrainian public organization Ukrainian Federation of Yoga is an association of independent yoga-centers, yoga instructors, people who practice yoga and those who have just started mastering this ancient system, united through the School and Tradition, linked by their interest to Yoga and to approaches of its study, as well as by friendly relations and mutual respect.
The task of the UFY is the liberal and educational activity aimed at conscious improvement of the person`s physical and psychological conditions realized through a system of methods and practices.
The organization purports at popularization of yoga and healthy lifestyle together with bringing to harmony the interactions between the man, the society and Nature.
UFY has been acting since 1998, then being an affinity group; the constituent congress of the organization took place in 2002, while the official registry by the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice was executed in 2004.
We understand yoga as a complex multifaceted esoteric system that has combined the work on one`s physical body with psychotherapy, medicine and philosophy, social trainings and cultural studies.
UFY favours the principle of democracy in yoga: each practicing person may and should have his own understanding of yoga that complies with his Genuine self and Spiritual tasks. One`s open-mindedness and the ability to be in step with the time are the fundamental principles of the Spirituality. Nevertheless the Federation instructors follow the common and uniform program and methods of yoga teaching that establish the unity of the learning process across different cities and branches.
The yoga instructors acknowledged by the Federation are the people who have been practicing within our Tradition for many years, who have studied yoga in other Schools and Yoga Centers and have received proper degree in the area of physical education and sports, medicine or psychology. The majority of the Federation instructors have two degrees.
The methodic framework of the UFY envelops numerous research works that were performed, dozens of books, hundreds of articles and training modules drawn by the Federation instructors. The training programs are subject to constant improvement.
Within the scope of our Yoga School we use training programs developed for the following yoga aspects:
Hatha-Yoga together with strengthening, sports and ergonomic yoga. Influence over one`s psyche and subtle bodies by means of working with physical body;
Meditation techniques and psychological practices;
Chakra psycho-diagnostics;
Science of behaviour laws, methods of unnatural behavioral patterns elimination;
The methods of managing one`s unconscious mind;
The yoga of social interactions. Conscious work on energetic links and coherences in scope of interpersonal relationships;
The basic aspects of healing techniques;
Psychology, culture study and philosophy within the context of yoga.
Jnana-yoga and intellectual trainings;
Yoga of travelling. The experience of travelling as a source of spiritual advance and self-development;
Yoga-therapy. Therapeutic application of yoga poses and techniques. Development of individual therapeutic and rehabilitation complexes. Cleansing procedures used in yoga;
Kaya-yoga. Body sculpture, correction of one`s posture and gait, weight improvement by means of yoga exercises and selection of proper nutrition system;
Herbal practice and phytotherapy;
Power play and extreme trainings. Mastering of effective forms of self-realization and one`s behavior in conflict situations. Manipura development.
Esoteric aspects of partner relationships. Tantra. Practical courses dedicated to Svadhisthana aspects. Control over one`s emotional and sexual energy;
Yoga for middle-aged people (+35);
Prasu-yoga. Physiological, psychological and esoteric preparation to harmonious childbirth and parenthood;
Jyotish. Vedic astrology. Yoga practice and therapy in consideration of astrological factors.
As of today the UFY branches are located in the following Ukrainian cities: Kharkov, Kiev, Donetsk, Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk, Dniepropetrovsk, Simferopol, Eupatoria, Odessa, Mariupol, Poltava, Zaporozhye, Chernigov, Cherkassy, Kramatorsk, Slavutich, Brovary, Makeevka, Borispol, Dergachi.
Our instructors also teach yoga in Russia, France and the Netherlands.
We are cooperative in respect of your offers for collaboration. Your questions and inquiries concerning joint organization of various events as well as participation in workshops, classes, conferences etc. can be sent to our address
The list of books by A.G. Safronov published in English
1. A.G. Safronov "Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics"
This book is based on 19 years of yoga practice and 14 years of teaching yoga and healing. It contains over 300 pictures of asanas how to come into them and how to go out, energy flows and possible mistakes while practicing hatha.
Structurally the book is divided into several levels so that it can be useful to all readers with different experience in yoga from beginners to experienced practitioners.
In this book you will learn how to arrange your own yoga complex in consideration of your health. You will learn about inward criteria of asanas proper performance and the way you can get practical results from your meditation.
2. A.G. Safronov "Psycho-practices in Mystical Traditions: From the Antiquity to the Present"
The book represents a complex retrospective study of psychological practices phenomenon: their targets, methods, philosophical groundings, evolution and interaction with other forms ofspiritual life. It gives the first ever explanation of differences between religious, occult and esoteric psychopractices.
Psychological practices are shown as an integral cultural phenomenon inherent in mankind at every stage of its evolution. Particular consideration is drawn to psychological practices employed in our days.
The work contemplates such issues as the role of altered state ofconsciousness in culture and religion, the role of religion in sociotype formation and maintenance, cultural value of esoteric psychological practices. Here the philosophic and religious origins ofmodern psychotherapy are revealed, as well as religious processes that take course in it.
The book can be of interest to both theorists culture, religion studies and psychologyexperts, and corresponding sphere practicians, as well as all those interested in esotericism and non-traditional psychology.
The list of books by A.G. Safronov
The book is devoted to meditation principles and techniques. It gives a systematized approach to meditations that a yoga student or instructor can use to choose meditations that are most effective for actual settling of a problem. It gives description of over 80 meditation techniques and analyzes meditations used in other Schools.
The book considers key elements of religious systems from esoteric and psychological point of view and describes basic primeval religious forms.
This book was written on the basis of the course of lectures on psychology given by the author at Kharkov Yoga Academy.
Psychological aikido is the author`s personal elaboration that constitutes a part of a more general concept called Yoga of social interaction. The aim of psychological aikido (PA) is the maintenance of one`s psychological and energy integrity under conflict situations. PA is an esoteric system based on understanding the energetic essence of human communication. PA is an integral system of methods that can be studied as a result of training.
The book was written on the basis of the analogous course given by the author at the extramural department of Kharkov yoga academy.
The book describes the structure of chakra system and the methods of its development and opening that were elaborated, tried and tested by the author.
The book is dedicated to holistic view of religion as a psychological phenomenon. In particular it considers such issues as psychological sources of religion, the role of altered states of consciousness in the system of religious experience, esoteric psychological practices in global religious traditions and the problem of manipulative influence on psyche exerted by the so-called neo-religious organizations. The book is based on the materials of the original courses В«Psychology of ReligionВ», В«Religious StudiesВ», В«Religious Heritage of the EastВ» given by the author at Kharkov Academy of Culture (the faculty of Cultural studies) and at a number of other institutions of higher education. Today the book knows no equals and can be of use as a textbook for students, psychologists, cultural studies experts, specialists in religious studies and people interested in esoteric and non-traditional psychology. The book can be of particular interest to people who are due to various reasons related to the problems of neo-religions since this issue has been pretty much ignored by the national literature on religious studies.
The book is devoted to practical techniques of diagnosing the psychological state of a person, specific features of his/her character, chakras strength and maturity through visible external displays and indicators. The book uses methodologies of the В«Chakra System OpeningВ» and develops the concepts of the referenced book.
This is a continuation of the previous book.
The book gives an esoteric view of the child-rearing issue.
The book is devoted to the methods of extracting esoteric information from fairy tales and for the most part it is meant for the senior students of the School.
The monograph is focused on study of religious psychological practices as an integral cultural phenomenon. It deals with the way different cultures are affected by psychological practices, it studies their genesis, evolution and interaction with other forms of spiritual life.
Articles by A.G. Safronov
AndreyG. Safronov.
Andrey Safronov is an esoteric, a philosopher and a healer. One of the most reputable experts in yoga throughout the CIS states who is acknowledged both by esoteric and scientific communities. The President of Ukrainian Federation of Yoga.
He holds an honours degree of Kharkiv State University having graduated from its physico-technical department in 1992, with theoretical nuclear physics as a major discipline, and from biological department of the same university in 1996, the major discipline been medical psychology. He`s been a Cand.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics) since 1994 and an associate professor in socioeconomic disciplines since 1999.
Starting from 1992 he has been carrying out research in the field of psychopractices and psychology of mass consciousness. He is an author of more than 70 scientific works dedicated to this subject (some of them published in foreign magazines), two monographs “ the Psychology of Religion and the Religious Psychopractices in the History of Culture, a fundamental work Yoga: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics (them with numerous re-editions), as well as a number of books and brochures (Psychology of Spiritual Development, Religion Studies, Lectures on Psychology, Psychological Aikido, Short Essays on History of Esoteric Doctrines etc.) and several dozens of articles in popular magazines.
He is the author and the anchorman of the School of Practical Psychology TV-cycle; organizer and participant of numerous conferences. He has drawn up a series of lectures for the Kharkov State Academy of Culture dedicated to Psychology of Religions, Religious Heritage of the East, The Structure of Mass Consciousness.
In the course and for the purpose of his research he has more than once been to India, Tibet and the states of South-Eastern Asia where he visited the most important ashrams, spiritual centers and the places of sacral significance. He personally met the leaders of the most significant spiritual movements of our days.
He has been practicing yoga since 1985, being fully engaged in pedagogic and healing activity since 1989. He has delivered more than 400 seminars and workshops on yoga and esotericism in the cities of the USSR and CIS.
Today A. Safronov is in charge of Ukrainian Federation of Yoga activity, he teaches in yoga groups and delivers practical courses and workshops of advanced level on different aspects of yoga and esotericism.
The blog of Andrey G. Safronov:
«YOGA SUTRAS: Commentary by a Modern Mystic»